2010年12月29日 星期三

香港舞蹈聯盟 - 對對舞之香港澳洲2‧3事

Fri 7 Jan 2011– 8pm (1 hr 40 mins)
Sat 8 Jan 2011– 8pm
Sun 9 Jan 2011– 3pm
(1 hr 40 mins)
$160, 130(M), $100(S), $80(SC,D)
訂票:快達票31 288 288 / http://www.hkticketing.com/
節目查詢:藝穗會2521 7251

(澳洲)Sue Peacock (2005年澳洲AusdanceWA舞蹈獎最佳女舞蹈員), Stefan Karlsson (2005 年澳洲AusdanceWA舞蹈獎特別成就獎)
(澳洲)Jo Lloyd (Dancehouse駐團藝術家,前「出奇舞」成員), Deanne Butterworth (Dancehouse駐團藝術家)
(香港)李咏靜 (2001年香港舞蹈年獎得獎者), 林波# (曾獲亞洲文化協會獎學金)

2010年12月16日 星期四

Master Yu Mime Workshop

Photos of Master Yu Mime Workshop

2010年12月13日 星期一

Passion Speak II: My extraordinary pets

Passion Speak II: My extraordinary pets

興趣大曬 第二回 「寵」愛有家
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 8pm
Fringe Studio
In Cantonese
Free admission
Reservation: email boxoffice@hkfringeclub.com or call 2521 7251.


Looking for someone who shares the same hobby or interest as you? If so, keep an eye out for our passion speak series, in which aficionados will share their affection for the things they’ve fallen in love with, from lomo cameras to recycling artwork
to Latino culture. If you are a fun seeker and want to share something you are
specialized with, contact Ms. Claire Leung at: claire@hkfringeclub.com and let your passion speak.

Fun-seeker: Herman Chan

現為銅鑼灣ARTTRA畫室主理人和導師,過去曾任多間雜誌社Art Director一職。

Founder and instructor of art jamming institute ARTTRA, he has been working as an art director for various publications.
Herman has developed a strong interest with pets since his childhood, he is particularly keen on reptiles, such as lizards, turtles and spiders.

2010年12月12日 星期日

Swing for All - make you wanna get up and dance!

時間:2011年1月11日 8pm

地點:香港大會堂 音樂廳(中環愛丁堡廣場5-7號大會堂)

票價:$280, $220, $150


節目查詢: 2521 7251

票務查詢:2734 9009

“the essence of happiness” – Audience member at Shanghai Expo concert “Makes people want to get up and dance...”, Robin Lynam, SCMP

「令人聞歌起舞 ... 」 南華早報

Swing Band Brass Power Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra X Lando Bernal’s Big Broad Band conducted by Taka Hirohama & Lando Bernal


Hotting up with vocalists Elaine "sultry" LiuGinger Kwan, Jennifer Palor and introducing Jackie Yin, fresh from Beijing.


Hong Kong debut byThe Best Trumpet player, Maiko Nagasawa, from the Yamano Big Band Jazz Contest


The world’s best swing dancers from Ninjammerz


2010年11月16日 星期二

CitySpeakXVII: The Battle for West Kowloon

CitySpeakXVII: The Battle for West Kowloon
30 October 2010
Fringe Club

Three leading architects - Rocco Yim, Rem Koolhaas and Norman Foster - have developed concepts for the future of land earmarked for the West Kowloon Cultural District. Their three firms will join CitySpeak and explain why they have the best solution. Arts and architecture critics will join the moderate the event. Join this battle and discuss how to move forward with cultural in Hong Kong, and how to develop West Kowloon.

Detailed information is available on-line (http://www.wkcda.hk/pe2/en/conceptual/index.html). To check out the models see the latest calendar of events (http://www.wkcda.hk/pe2/forum/eventcal.php?langid=1)

三位知名建築師──嚴迅奇、庫哈斯及Norman Foster──為西九文化區的未來地標發展構思出發展概念。他們的公司將參與乙城話,解釋三位建築師的發展方案,以及為何其方案屬最佳的發展方案。多位藝術及建築評論員亦會參與此次活動。我們誠邀大家參與這場「西九之爭」,討論如何可在香港推動文化以及應如何發展西九。

Let me start by saying the obvious, i.e. conceptual plans normally don't go into too much detail, as they're only required to look at the big picture. So my response to them will also be in broad strokes.

Of the three conceptual plans, Rocco Yim's has shown more design details than the other two. It's supposed to be inspired by the famous long scroll "Along the River during the Qingming Festival" that shows detailed day-to-day activities of life in the Sung Dynasty. Turned into an animated scroll in the China Pavilion in the Expo, it's now a blockbuster on its way to Hong Kong. Rocco's idea is to create a space to promenade through as suggested in the Sung painting with waterways, bridges, winding paths and open air spaces that serve to connect with the venues. He also proposes to use old-style tramcars to move people on site.
I admire Roco's attempt to source his ideas from his own Chinese heritage, and think out of the box of contemporary Western design concepts. Don't we all get a bit tired of sporting the same looks on our buildings and urban spaces? But whether Rocco will rise up to this challenge and create something original, or just end up in doing a skin-grafting job is waiting to be seen.
On his proposed use of tramcars to move poeple: the question is, do we want a pedestranised space to be invaded by street vehicles? Trams are not known to be terribly efficient when it comes to moving a large number of people quickly in and out of a large area. Trams also can make a lot of noise; those who live along tramways can tell you that.

In the opening image of Rem Koolhass's plan, there 's a man looking really casual, sitting in a deck chair, enjoying the view from the rooftop of a run-down block. Koolhaas has picked out those back street and alleyway landmark features of Mongkok and Taikoktsui; even paddyfields from the old New Territories to spice up his design. All that is supposed to mirror the city. There's also a sort of hybrid space that reminds one of what Koolohass has previously designed for Prada or Gucci in New York. For the approach into WKCD, he challenges conventional wisdom and proposes to let the traffic flow in from the northwest instead of the southeast side of Kowloon.

Koolhaas's plan probably wants to create something that echoes aspects of Hong Kong's urban landscape. This may have an appeal to those who don't want WKCD to become a Western urban transplant that doesn't quite jam with Hong Kong realities, and consequently not meeting the needs of the wider public. But there's a saying that people who live in slums don't necessarily want to pray to God in slums; they want to pray in cathedrals with stained glass windows, columns and pipe organs. It's true that we don't want WKCD to become precious and elitist, we want it to be accessible and enjoyed by the people. But by creating familiarity will it make it more palatable conceptually?

As for following simple logic of the putting the door closest to where the population is densest, it may defy the findings that in most societies, 20% of the population consumes 80% of the goods. Cultural consumption is no exception to that.

Norman Forster's plan starts off by proposing to create a Central Park in WKCD. It goes on to offer some practical solutions to ease the traffic, e.g. building multi-levelled underground driveways, carparks, loading areas, passengers's pickup points etc. As well as renewable energy and low carbon emission. A sound isolation wall doubled up as a hotel. The MTR venilation tower turned into an architectural landmark. Not exactly headline grapping stuff. This coupled with the park idea have given Forster's plan a plain vanilla flavour. Nothing to raise eyebrows or kick up any storm of controversy, or so it seems. But if we remove the lid and take a good look into it, we'll detect subversiveness in this plan.

Mind you, here the cultural constructions seem to have taken a back seat to the park. What this is saying is, people are supposed to be first drawn to the park, then they might but might not wander into the theatres or museums. I have to admit that I'm intrigued by this concept. Is this a proletarian way to change the general perception that WKCD is only for the arts minority?

Parks, for a lack of better expression, is a great equaliser. Whether young or old, poor or rich, man or woman, they all can get something from visiting a park. What better conduit to draw people closer to appreciating arts than a park?

One final point: none of these three plans have given sufficient attention to what impact WKCD might have on the most vibrant and beautiful harbour in the world in their designs. Overlooking this is not only a mistake, but a crime.

Written by Benny Chia, Director, Fringe Club 2010-10

2010年11月15日 星期一









2010年11月4日 星期四

The Power of Nature Arts Exhibition

“My mouth is the mouth of no mouth; my eyes are eyes of no eyes; I’m from Nature. I'm what Nature wants me to be. I testify that there’s tangible proof that regular contact with Nature is good for us. Spiritual values may be as important as, if not more important than, the more tangible benefits of protecting the land. As we work to save the planet, let’s makes sure we don’t lose sight of that power. One of my daily journeys in life is to discover and rediscover the power of Nature, so I invite you to rock my world.”

Date 3 - 18/11/2010 Free
Artform Noturalist
Exhibitors/Art KAZE ARTS
Venue Main Gallery, Fringe Club,2 Lower Albert Road,Central

《去祈福的路上》——玩具船長 香港專場

《去祈福的路上》——玩具船長 香港專場

开始时间: 2010年11月12日 周五 22:30
结束时间: 2010年11月13日 周六 07:15
地点: 香港 中環下亞里畢道2號 Fringe Gallery

票價:$100(預售), $125 (當日) 包一杯飲料
查詢:(+852) 2521 7251
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.phpeid=162405390455609&ref=mf
主辦方:藝穗會 刀馬旦


三個青年一台戲 操著潮汕方言歌唱的玩具船長,現住在廣州。這三個嬉笑有趣的靚仔,用自己的眼睛觀察這個世界,用自己的腔調歌唱,關於這個光怪陸離的時代,關於遺落在都市里的童年夢想,關於匆忙生活里的微小細節……在人情味越來越淡的今天,他們像是三個與你失散多年的玩伴,在某個不經意的角落裏,你們又重逢了。這麼多年過去了,他們笑起來,仍有稚氣。 Three happy guys and one play The Toy Captains sing in the Chao Chan dialect, which is spoken in Guangdong Province. The three happy guys live in Guangzhou, observe the world and write songs about our weird world, about people’s dreams that have been lost in the big city, and about the interesting little details of our busy life. They’ll remind you of the innocence of childhood.

2010年10月14日 星期四

Shanghai Expo:HongKong Week

Hong Kong Fringe Club “Swing for All”

Date: October 19Time: 2:30pm and 4pm
Date: October 20 Time: 4pm and 6pm
Venue: Baosteel Stage (Large), Expo Park, Pudong
Swing dance and swing music emerged in the same era but went on to develop separately. As a result, performances of both at the same event became less frequent. Now, almost a century on, Hong Kong’s Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra and 30 dancers from Shanghai Swings have joined forces to create a swing party featuring dance and music in a nostalgic step along memory lane.
Approx 1 hour
Programme Enquiries:(852) 2521 7251/
Hong Kong Fringe Club
(86 21) 6272 0440/ The Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival
Jointly presented byThe Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong SAR GovernmentThe Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival
In collaboration withShanghai Swings

Shanghai Expo:HongKong Week

Hong Kong Fringe Club
“Contemporary Jazz featuring Ted Lo and Eugene Pao”

Eugene Pao Ted Lo

Date: October 21 and 22
Time: 4pm & 6pm (October 21 ); 2:30pm & 4:30pm (October 22)
Venue: Baosteel Stage (Large), Expo Park, Pudong

Contemporary jazz emerged in the 1970s, integrating jazz, pop and rock music. If you want to fall in love with such sounds, don’t miss this concert.

Pianist and arranger Ted Lo is a distinguished Hong Kong musician. He gained his reputation as a master of jazz in the US and Europe and has also successfully established himself as a composer and producer. He has worked with numerous world-class musicians. Eugene Pao is Hong Kong’s most publicly recognised jazz guitarist and some say his name is synonymous with Hong Kong jazz. He has performed with many international stars.

Other jazz musicians from Hong Kong and Shanghai will also join Ted and Eugene for several wonderful shows.

Approx 1 hour

Programme Enquiries:
(852) 2521 7251/ Hong Kong Fringe Club
(86 21) 6272 0440/ The Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival

Jointly presented by
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department
of the Hong Kong SAR Government
The Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival

2010年10月13日 星期三

CitySpeakXVI: From Sai Wan to a Nature Conservation Policy

CitySpeakXVII: From Sai Wan to a Nature Conservation Policy
Fringe Club
Saturday, 18 September 2010

Sai Wan, Hoi Ha, To Kwa Peng … the list of conservation areas destroyed by development is long. Rescued by ‘facebook’, the question now is whether we can make sure that Sai Wan is the last site of high ecological and landscape value to be destroyed.
CitySpeak will focus on planning and development of the New Territories, the small house policy, our nature conservation policy (and lack thereof) and the calls for a nature conservation trust. How far should we go to conserve Hong Kong’s natural assets? How far do you want Hong Kong to go – and are we willing to pay the price?
Join academics, concern groups, and officials in a discussion and let your views be heard.

2010年9月29日 星期三

爵士新秀甄選 2010

爵士新秀甄選 2010




中文版 http://www.hkfringeclub.com/others/audition_application_form_chi.pdf
English http://www.hkfringeclub.com/others/audition_application_form_eng.pdf

填寫完整後電郵至 ice@hkfringeclub.com,入選者將收到電話和電郵通知下一步甄選事宜。



查詢或聯繫電話:852 2521 7251



2.或將完整填寫的報名表格連同作品附件電郵至 hkfringeclub@gmail.com, 郵件標題為“爵士新秀甄選_報名者姓名”

3.如果作品太大無法附件傳送,可以將報名表格電郵至hkfringeclub@gmail.com, 在報名表格上填寫正確的連接,郵件標題為“爵士新秀甄選_報名者姓名”,並將作品上載至優酷或YouTube

香港藝穗會將於10月來滬,於世博園寶鋼大舞台獻上多場爵士樂音樂會,與此同時挑選高水準和具潛質的爵士樂新力軍,邀請他們於2011年1月赴港參與一年一度的爵士大樂隊節,與知名搖擺大樂隊星期六爵士大樂隊及Lando Big Broad Band同台演出,樂隊成員來自不同國家,過往曾參與多個國際級爵士音樂節。



藝穗會過往曾舉辦多個爵士樂音樂會,每年與超過一百支來自香港、內地及海外的樂隊合作;亦於2009及2010年分別舉辦爵士大樂隊節《爵士繽紛飛》及《搖擺樂與舞》,叫好又叫座,獲觀眾稱讚音樂會為「五星級的演出」;音樂會廣受傳媒關注,香港英文報章《南華早報》更載有樂評大讚演出「vigorous toe-tapping…makes people want to get up and dance」



星期六爵士大樂隊於1990年於香港成立,由19位來自世界多個國家和地區的樂手組成。樂團獲香港政府邀請於2010年上海世博會期間擔任演出;過往曾多次獲邀參加世界各地的音樂節及藝術節,包括前往新加坡為「照亮新加坡」作開幕演出;樂隊主音廖綺玲的歌技出色精湛,《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)樂評這樣形容她﹕「廖綺玲對爵士音樂的演繹,是在Billie Holiday苦樂參半的憂鬱與Eartha Kitt敏銳細巧的性感之間,保持最優雅和微妙的姿態。」。

Lando Big Broad Band

樂隊由17人組成,成員主要是居港的菲律賓人,曾與多位來自東南亞、南美洲及非洲的音樂人同台演出;樂隊風格由搖擺音樂到拉丁音樂,當中不少作品由隊長Rolando Bernal親自編曲。樂隊於本年曾為影星王敏德的演唱會擔任演奏。

星期六爵士大樂隊 2010 Big Band Fest 演出
Video available on Youtube 用YouTube瀏覽
Video available on Youku 用優酷瀏覽

Lando Big Broad Band 2009 Big Band Fest 演出
Video available on Youtube 用YouTube瀏覽
Video available on Youku 用優酷瀏覽

2010年8月18日 星期三

A View of Light by Wong Chi Yung-Opening

Exhibition Date
18 - 30/8/2010
裝置 Installations
Exh Title
A View of Light
王志勇Wong Chi-yung
Slowear Gallery

- 以看不見的、令你看得見 -


(香港 2010年7月5日) 在看到與看不到之間,你可曾留意過身邊的世界有多少看不到的真、看得到的假?燈光設計師王志勇, 透過創作裝置上的燈光、顏色、音樂、空間及觸感等元素,刺激各個感官神經末端,讓你踏上窺見世界真貌的旅程。
《A View of Light》概念源自王志勇過去十多年於香港、巴黎及芬蘭的生活體驗。從接觸、學習、應用到創作燈光藝術及設計裝置期間,他發現每個人對「光」均有一定的原始感覺及認知,但偏偏光卻是最多變、最難捉摸,是一種看見/看不見之間的存在。王志勇以這種似非而是的存在感為主題,並集結他的表演藝術及視覺藝術技巧,創作出這個集合不同領域的感官綜合裝置展覽,讓參觀者理解各個感官的千絲萬的關係,察覺到感官為人忽略的存在感,及感官應有的主動性。
是次展覽,更邀請來自法國的音樂創作人Pierre Faa及香港作曲家Martin Lai合作,為這個綜合五感的藝術裝置,打造令人看得見的音色。《A View of Light》同時打開其他感官神經,觀者可以眼睛、手腳、心跳來重拾自身感官的存在,讓你會發現顏色與燈光除了有看得見的影響力,同時有不能忽視而看不見的力量。

The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
- Oscar Wilde

“Sometimes we can see things that aren’t there. But what if the things that ARE there turn out to be unseen to us? It’s like love: we can’t see it, but we JUST know it’s there!”

Artist Wong Chi-yung has a background in the visual and performing arts. He came to realise that we all have certain understand­ings of and feelings about light, and that light is unobtrusive yet invasive, intangible yet primitive to our mind. With this exhibition, he aims to establish a discourse between light and the visitor’s senses. Featuring music by French composer Pieer Faa and local composer Martin Lai.

2010年8月9日 星期一

乙城話 City Speak XV :誰能負擔得起香港的樓價 Who can afford housing in Hong Kong

What is the social and political impact of Hong Kong's policies about
housing and the price of land? Should we build smaller to be more
affordable, or are we already building too small? Do the Home Ownership and Public Housing schemes work? In a city where 50 per cent of the residents live in public housing, the Government is now gathering your views on subsidising home ownership.

Join Mr. Duncan Pescod, Permanent Secretary responsible for Housing, and a panel of experts including Jake van der Kamp (Columnist, South China Morning Post), Alan Leong Kah-kit (Legislator, Civic Party), Kenneth Leung (Vice-Chairman, Pro-Commons) and Dr Yip Ngai-ming (Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong), and let us know what you think!
運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)兼房屋署署長 栢志高先生、南華早報專欄作家 Jake van der Kamp、公民黨副主席和立法會議員 梁家傑、公共專業聯盟副主席 梁繼昌和香港城市大學公共及社會行政學系副教授葉毅明博士等多位專家將會聚首一堂,共同討論香港樓宇問題,歡迎你參與並就此發表你的意見!

2010年8月2日 星期一

SCARECROW@Taipei Fringe Festival


