2010年1月25日 星期一


文 李志榮

City Festival 2010-Salusuah, an original theatre solo

"Very elegant production, aesthetically pleasing and spiritually uplifting. Such moving tenderness". That was how member of the audience, Marge, described Salusuah. Indeed, it was beautiful. The solo actor, Gani Abdul Karim, moved and sang, shrouded in the dense darkness of a bare stage. Lit starkly by a single spotlight, Gani weaved in and out of the darkness, as if a Zakii Anwar painting had come to life.

A semi-autobiographical theatre piece on Gani's struggles in discovering his personal identity, the scenes were filled with tension and unease. His mental battle was bared for all to see, and even reach points of 'near madness', as another audience member recounted. However, these fiery scenes were contrasted with scenes of soothing arabic singing and meditative movements.

The piece was tied together with multimedia projections, sometimes text to tell the story, sometimes haunting images of Gani himself.

There was something calming about watching Gani re-enact the Islamic rituals of cleaning and washing, as if to cleanse the soul.

And as he doused himself from head to toe in water and re-emerged again, his journey seemed complete.

The show never provides us with a definitive resolution. But everyone takes away something different. We leave with lots of questions in our minds. But these are questions that Gani and his crew cannot answer. These are questions that only we can answer ourselves.

Guangzhou Live: 梁奕源+李帶果 (即興)

廣州樂爆」在上周末迎來第二場獨立音樂會,是分別來自廣州和成都的梁奕源和李帶果,两人擅長玩樂器即興,當晚演出使用到的樂器中西同臺,包括有吉他、琵琶、小提琴,大提琴,巴烏,手指琴,口弦等,呈現出一種acoustic improvised world fusion的音樂風格。在臺上玩到興起時,兩人在臺上斗技法,手上的樂器不断随性變換,加上兩人默契有趣的眼神交流,看到臺下的觀眾會心而笑之余拍曬手掌。


攝影:Steven On

乙城節2010-City Speak IX-Street Culture: Art + Design + Activism

第九回City Speak:Street Culture: Art + Design + Activism(由Fringe Club與Designing Hong Kong合辦),探討香港的街頭文化的種種層面,大至整個城市的街道整體規劃、一條天橋的建造,小至一塊路標指示牌的設計、公園里的一張凳子,講者引用眾多我們日常體驗香港街頭文化活生生的例子來論證,觀眾多有同感。

是次City Speak,參與的講者和觀眾人數都是歷次之最,輕松自由的交流環境更為本次講座倍添生色!






從左到右:Paul Zimmerman(Moderator,Designing Hong Kong的創始人);Benny Chia(講者,藝穗會藝術總監);Henry Steiner(講者,知名graphic designer)。


Henry Steiner is an internationally acclaimed graphic designer and head of Steiner&Co., one of the world's leading brand identity design consultancies. He is a Doctor, honoris causa: Hong Kong Baptist University; Honorary professor: University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A resident of Hong Kong since 1961, he holds a Master's degree from the Yale School of Art, and is co-author of Cross-Cultural Design: Communicating in the Global Marketplace (1995, Thames and Hudson).

Benny Chia is Director of the Fringe Club, founder of the Hong Kong Festival Fringe, the Fringe Club Hong Kong and the City Festival. He has written and produced numerous dance, theatre and site-specific multi-media productions, and has curated many art exhibitions. Benny is currently a committee member of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority.

Law Man-lok is a conceptual artist. He was the anchor for the RTHK TV programme entitled Cultural Magazine. His works emphasize the synergy between imagination and what he likes to think of as 'criticality'. Law's pieces usually find a starting point in his surroundings, and he has expressed his concerns about the rampant commercialization that characterizes Hong Kong’s development as a city.

Mirana May Szeto is Research Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature, HKU. Her books-in-process are entitled The Radical Itch: Cultural Politics and Its Discontents and Decolonizing Neoliberalism: Urban Cultural Politics in Post 1997 Hong Kong. She also writes on the conditions of the film industry, the cultural clusters and culture-led urban redevelopment in Hong Kong and China.

Tony Lam is an architect and heritage conservation expert and director of AGC Design Ltd., an architectural firm involved in urban planning, heritage conservation and many other projects. He is the author of " From British Colonization to Japanese Invasion - The 100 years architects in HK 1848-1941".

Paul Zimmerman is an urban activist and founding member of Designing Hong Kong Limited, a not-for-profit organization promoting sustainable planning in Hong Kong (www.designinghongkong.com).

2010年1月22日 星期五

乙城節2010-The Piano Battle2

1月15-17日,在藝穗會劇場的2臺一黑一白鋼琴,2個天才音樂家(Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis ),440個觀眾(Full House)一起成功上演了4場“鋼琴大鬥法續集”(The Piano Battle 2)。






The Piano Battle 2 宣傳照 2010

The Piano Battle 宣傳照 2009

2010年1月21日 星期四

乙城節2010- Swing Party

2010年1月17日,由來自新加坡的Sing Lim連同五位國際級的搖擺舞者和四支香港爵士大樂隊,在尖沙咀鐘樓下為大家獻上了一場精彩絕倫的《搖擺派對》。逾三千香港市民和來自世界各地的遊客在歡樂的氣氛中度過了一個美麗的午後時光。

Dancing in front of the clock tower

dance with sunset

big bands

swing dancers

swing dancers

Benny & Sintung

Sing Lim & Brain


Jandi & Peter
Annie Trudeau
Annie & Peter

happy dancers


從乙城節開幕當晚起至16日一連4場《舞都得計劃》(Bare Stage Project)於藝穗會上演。從2006年至今《舞都得計劃》已成功舉辦四屆,今年更作為民政事務局主辦之「藝綻@冬日」活動系列之一。2010年BSP注入新力量:四位剛畢業於APA現代舞蹈系的女生,在只有音樂的輔佐下,純用身體在空置的舞臺上演繹了舞蹈的精髓。

2006 舞蹈思想家,同一個問題,知己知彼

2007 身體 音樂 想像 無限擴大

2008 返璞歸真,尋找舞蹈真諦

2009 舞就是

身體 簡樸
空間意念 音樂情感
劇場 澎湃


2010年1月20日 星期三

乙城節2010 -粵港聯展‧行路上省城 x 廣東主義


這次的粵港聯展以廣東主義 x 行路上省城」兩個題目鋪開:「廣東主義」好似一部廣東博物志,分門別類,各類繪畫/裝置/攝影作品、探討廣州城中村/春運/禽流感的各式現象陳列上架,都不約而同反映藝術家對「廣東這個大文化概念的觀察,是今次乙城節向香港觀眾介紹廣州文化的重要注腳。香港部分的「行路上省城」,則緊扣粵港關系,10多位artist人手一個懷舊喼」作為創作起點,他們雖然未經歷過「提著喼,行路上省城」的年代,但一年輕的香港藝術家,以充滿個人感受和想象創作出來的作品,氣場非常強烈。


「公仔貓」by 譚紅宇(廣州)

「城市對話」by 張震揚(香港)

「把所有的……混在一起」by 劉慶元(廣州)

「禾鞋」 by 羅至傑 (香港)

一份合適的工作by 鄧國騫 (香港)


by 老慧行(香港)

by 唐偉傑(香港)

來自香港的風箏」 by 張嘉莉(香港)

回家」by 張湘溪 (廣州)

金錢正看著你」 by 朱耀煒(香港)

樣辦人民」 by 陳正文(香港)

關於旅行 by 黎卓華(香港)

繼續新青年by 李俊峰+梁御東(香港)

大陸人、北姑、海、廣旅、禽流感 by 鄭琦(廣州)

飛帳——城中村微公共空間計劃by 馮果川(廣州)

by 盧麃麃(廣州)

籐「喼」個「喼」吖,「喼」神個神吖 by 羅文樂(香港)

「自畫像」 by 王永棠(香港)

「學習制服」 by 方韻芝 (香港)

鴨兔 by 馮峰(廣州)

下棋 by 鍾惠恩(香港)

手信 by 朱曄(廣州)

廣州縣 by 楊宜春(廣州)

城市之光by 莫頔(廣州)

懷安村檔案by 黃明(廣州)

重现—视察广东农村 by 王彤(廣州)

迷恋都、具体城 by 石岗(廣州)

黄色盔甲等系列作品by Sylvie Denet(旅居廣州的法國藝術家

