2010年8月2日 星期一

A Dialogue on Love-Lin Dai Yu & Juliet Capulet@Seoul Fringe Festival

On my own, I sit in front of the window asking “What is affection?” and “What is love?”
On my own, I sit in front of the window under the dim light thinking about “affection” an“love”.
On my own, I sit in front of the window under the dim light writing about “affection” and“love”.
Lin Dai Yu sheds her tears to experience “affection” and “love”.
Juliet expends her blood in exchange for “affection” and “love”.


藝穗會在過去曾邀請英國的默劇大師包括Peta Lily, David Glass 和Desmond Jones來港為藝穗默劇室舉辦工作坊以及担任導演。

由尹鍾連導演 (南韓的 Theatre Momggol) 與 藝穗默劇實驗室攜手合作的Why Not(一試無妨)。2009 年在香港藝穗會首演之後,巡迴到澳門藝穗節、台北藝穗節、以及韓國春川國際默劇節演出,

The Hong Kong Fringe Mime & Movement Laboratory is devoted to promotion and exploration of Mime. Members aim to develop an oriental form of Mime characterised by Hong Kong cultural traits.Mulan - Seoul Fringe Festival 2008Why Not - directed by Mr Yoon Jong-yeoun, Theatre Momggolpremiered at Hong Kong Fringe Club in 2009 and toured toChunCheon Int'l Mime Festival, Macau Fringe Festival & Taipei Fringe Festival




