2011年7月14日 星期四

Hong Kong Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale, 2011 - Performance by a Visitor

Hong Kong Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale, 2011 - Performance by a Visitor
第54屆威尼斯雙年展香港館「蛙托邦 鴻港浩搞筆鴉」場內觀眾即興演出 / A visitor pays tribute to Frog King's exhibition "Frogtopia Hongkornucopia", at the Hong Kong Pavilion of the 54th Venice...

Venice Biennale - Newsclips (2) - "Between the lines" (SCMP, 19 Jun2011)

Venice Biennale - Newsclips (1) - "A bigger splash for Frog's art" (SCMP, 5 Jun2011)

2011年6月28日 星期二

54th Venice Biennale-Hong Kong Pavilion Opening

54th Venice Biennale-Frogtopia Honghornucopia

Frogtopia Hongkornucopia

蛙托邦 港浩搞筆鴉

Artist from Hong Kong

Kwok Mang-ho (a.k.a. Frog King) 郭孟浩蛙王

Chief Curator: Benny Chia 謝俊興

Curator: Tsang Tak-ping 曾德平, Wong Shun-kit王純杰

In association with Hong Kong Fringe Club

Exhibition Period :

4 June/ Giugno 27 November/ Novembre 2011, 10:00 18:00

(closed on Tuesdays/ chiuso martedi)

Venue : Arsenale, Campo della Tana, Castello 2126 30122, Venezia

(Opposite the main entrance of Arsenale)


Exhibition Extract

Frog King, China’s first performance artist, has adopted a frog as his symbol and alter ego. Frog-topia is the mental construct in which he locates his artistic values. The artist – who is based in Hong Kong, China, and exhibits internationally – uses Frog-topia as his way to transcend the artistic conventions found in every form of media.


Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Curated by

Hong Kong Fringe Club


Arte Communication

Special Thanks

Sony, Philps

2011年5月3日 星期二


Thu12 7:30pm (1hr30mins)
Fringe Studio

免費入場 Free admission
In Cantonese with some French&English

飲者Fun-seeker: Benny Chia 謝俊興
主持Moderator: Patrick Suen 宣柏健

“In victory you deserve it. In defeat you deserve it.” This saying was famously attributed to Napoleon on the drinking of champagne. In truth he ate little and drank even less. Le Champagne, the sparkling wine, that we drink to celebrate happy occasions and is generally associated with opulent lifestyles, has a dark and turbulent side to it. Like an unwanted child, it has come into the world quite by mistake. Instead of taking after its dark-skinned parents, it has turned out blond. Instead of having a pampered upbringing, it has suffered great many hardships. The audience of Passion Speaks will be taken through the fascinating journey down the scenic routes of Reims and Epernay, the Champagne countryside and treated to the life-enhancing stories of this legendary drink.



2011年5月2日 星期一



寶聲基團主席陳耀璋先生向藝穗會主席周蕙禮女士 贈送支票

2011年4月26日 星期二







Ms. Ice Chen 陳燕冰 ice@hkfringeclub.com或2525- 4416
Ms. Claire Leung 梁麗朗 claire@hkfringeclub.com 或 2521-7251

2011.04.16 - Strange designs spark fury over the Central Market revitalisation project

video by INTNewsChannel

VIDEOS-CitySpeakXXIX: A new identity for the Central Market

CitySpeakXXIX: A new identity for the Central Market

Minimal or aggressive?Ranging from minimal to aggressive intervention, architects have created four competing concepts for revitalizing the Central Market (中環街市).This former fresh food market is located between Jubilee Street and Queen Victoria Street along Des Voeux Road Central and was the first wet market in Hong Kong. It is one of two remaining Bauhaus market buildings. Connected with footbridges to the mid-levels escalator the building is guaranteed to be used by many.To decide on your favourite option, join CitySpeak to debate the proposals with the four architects, the Urban Renewal Authority, and Vito Bertin who will represent the "building".


Michael Ma, Urban Renewal Authority

Vito Bertin, Associate Professor (retired), School of Architecture, CUHK

Tony Yeung, AedasVincent Ng, AGC Design

Barrie Ho, Barrie Ho Architecture

Stefan Krummeck, TFP Farrells


Paul Zimmerman, CEO, Designing Hong Kong

The four competing designs for revitalizing the Central Market

Links to information about the Central MarketHistory: Wikipedia on the Central Markethttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Market,_Hong_Kong

2006: Central Market to become a bus terminus with a commercial development on topThe Standardhttp://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?we_cat=4&art_id=19018&sid=8034871&con_type=1&d_str=20060519

2007: Conservative HK Institute of Planners joins calls for preserving the Central Markethttp://www.hkip.org.hk/En/Content.asp?Bid=7&Sid=42&Id=71

2009: Concern groups ask Town Planning Board to rezone and protect the Central Markethttp://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/en/meetings/MPC/Minutes/m418mpc_e.pdf

2010: Prof. David Lung, a force behind efforts to safeguard the Central Market explains the cultural heritage assessment processhttp://www.hku.hk/research/videos_chia.html

Urban Renewal Authority's Central Market project websitehttp://www.centraloasis.org.hk/

2011年4月18日 星期一

t.tracing memories@Main Galley,16Apr-3May 2011

The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
- Oscar Wilde

Students of HKU SPACE’s final-year design studio project have spent the past few months exploring the Fringe Club and its surrounding area, “excavating” memories of people, places and events; documenting their impressions; re-examining notions of seeing and understanding everyday things, and devising creative solutions for this heritage building’s space.

On display will be the students’ designs, drawings, photographs, renderings and 3D models – all inspired, literally or loosely, by the Fringe Club building. Come and rediscover the beauty of “invisible things”.

2011年1月24日 星期一

Video of CitySpeakXX: Central Police Station 'Version 3'

2011.01.22 - Fresh debate over Revitalising Central Police Station

Local forum over Revitalising Central Police Station - Interview with Paul ZIMMERMAN

Video by Eric Lo,Independent New Transmissions

2011年1月3日 星期一

搖擺爵士大樂隊之歌舞明星夜 Swing for All

「令人聞歌起舞 ... 」南華早報

Makes people want to get upand dance…– Robin Lynam, SCMP

「給人帶來歡樂的魔力」- 世博觀眾觀後感

the essence of happiness– Audience member atShanghai Expo concert

Tue 11 Jan 2011 8pm (2hrs 30 mins)

香港大會堂音樂廳 City Hall Concert Hall
$280, $220, $150


15% discount for each purchase of 10 or more standard tickets20% discount for Fringe members50% discount for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities, full-time studentsand Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients

票務查詢 Ticketing enquiries: 2734 9009

Tickets at all URBTIX outlets部份$220座位視線受阻
Some $220 seats may have restricted view

加入香港最知名的星期六爵士大樂隊、Lando Bernal’s BigBroad Band以及多位爵士新星,包括來自北京的女歌手尹一凡、京都的小號手長澤真衣子以及香港青年爵士大樂隊,一同享受美妙的搖擺音樂夜!「尹一凡在藝穗會舉辦的爵士新秀選拔中脫穎而出;長澤真衣子是2010日本山野爵士大賽中獲選為最佳小號手,毫無疑問他們將會成為爵士樂壇的明日之星!」音樂會監製廣濱尊久說。更令人興奮的是眾多搖擺舞者將搖擺夜推至高潮。來自新加坡的林星雲和Leonard在國際舞壇享有聲譽,聯同多位屢獲大獎的搖擺忍者舞團的舞者,為演出增添更多樂趣和無可抵擋的魅力!
Celebrate the joy of Swing music and dance with two HongKong-based bands (the Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra andLando Bernal’s Big Broad Band), plus some talented youngjazz musicians from Beijing (female vocalist Jackie Yin), Kyoto(female trumpeter Maiko Nagasawa) and Hong Kong (TheHong Kong Youth Jazz Orchestra).“Jackie won the Fringe Club’s recent Jazz Talent Quest, andMaiko was voted best soloist at the Yamano Big BandJazz Contest 2010, so we’re confident they have a bright jazzcareer ahead of them,” said Producer Taka Hirohama.And wha t good i s Swing mus i c wi thout danc e ?Internationally renowned Swing dancers Sing Lim andLeonard from Singapore, plus members of the awardwinningdance troupe Ninjammerz, will add to the fun andset your toes a’tappin’. Irresistible!

